
Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (AAC)

A lightweight, precast building material that simultaneously provides good structure, insulation, and fire-sound resistance. AAC block is a unique & excellent type of building material due to its superb heat, fire and sound resistance.


AAC was invented in the mid-1920 by the swedish architect & inventor Jahan Axel Eriksson. AAC is the one of the major achievements of the 20th century in the field of construction.

The Best A Grade Commercial & Residential Solution

Manufacturing Process of AAC Blocks

Preparation of
Raw Material

Firstly fly ash is mixed with water in order to form slurry, and that slurry is mixed with other ingredients like lime powder, cement, gypsum and aluminum powder as per the quantities consistent with the recipe. Lime powder which aids strength development as well as helps in the aeration effect is another important ingredient of these blocks.


Dosing and

It is crucial to maintain the ratio of all ingredients. Fly ash is used in a slurry form by mixing it with water in a certain proportion and mixed with lime powder and cement which are weighed on load cells with a control system and then discharged into the mixing drum. Steam might also be fed to the unit to maintain the temperature in the range of 40-42°C.


Casting, Rising
and Pre-curing

The ready mix is poured into the moulds which vary in size as per the capacity of the plant. Aluminum reacts with Calcium Hydroxide and water to form Hydrogen gas which releases millions of tiny Hydrogen bubbles. Once the rising process is over, the green cake is allowed to settle and cure for some time.


Demoulding and

A horizontal cutting machine, is used in the first stage, while a vertical cutting machine used in the second stage has a cutting assembly mounted on columns and it moves up and down at a set speed.



The cut cakes are then sent to the autoclave for a high temperature and high-pressure steam curing. The cycle time is 12 hours after which the blocks achieve their required strength and are sent to the packing line.



After autoclaving, the hardened cakes are sent to the packing line. Here they are packed into cubes, loaded in the trucks with a robotic grabber crane and dispatched to the sites of the clients.


Our Location

  • Near Biroba Mandir, Chinchwad, Tal.Shirol, Dist. Kolhapur.

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Complete control over products allows us to ensure our customers receive the best quality prices and service. We take great pride in everything that we do in our factory.

What Our Clients Say!

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Best and expertly produced product to fulfill our promise to deliver good & dynamic solutions to our customers to fit the needs of a rapidly changing global structure.

Provided good quality product in required amount and time frame.

Supplied better quality product in better price level. Trusted provider of premium AAC blocks.